جميع الكلمات التي وردت في الاعوام السابقه من 2004 الي 2008 :
court - human rights - agreements - treaty - authority - regulation - criminal law
- legal justice - duty - obligation - individual - national law - law of evidence -
the united nations - crimes - civil law -criminal intel - administrative law - rights - justic -
punishment - judge - human rights law - treaty - agreement - lawyer - public law -
private law - unintentional foult - constitutional law - arbition - tirbunals - law of sea-
government legislative autthourity - law of the torts - peoples assmbely - peace - case -
vot - elections - order
court - human rights - agreements - treaty - authority - regulation - criminal law
- legal justice - duty - obligation - individual - national law - law of evidence -
the united nations - crimes - civil law -criminal intel - administrative law - rights - justic -
punishment - judge - human rights law - treaty - agreement - lawyer - public law -
private law - unintentional foult - constitutional law - arbition - tirbunals - law of sea-
government legislative autthourity - law of the torts - peoples assmbely - peace - case -
vot - elections - order